Shibata Japanese Class
For adults
- You can learn Japanese with Japanese volunteers. Besides study, there is also a time to just relax and chat.
- Please see「2024 Shibata Japanese Class Calendar」 for the detailed schedule.
1st term: April~July, 2nd term: September~December, 3rd term: January~March
Wednesday Class
Time: Every Wednesday 10 00a.m.~ 11 30a.m.(1h 30min)
Place:Shibata -shi Shimin bunka kaikan Koudo
Address:4-11-7 Chuo-cho, Shibata City
(Parking lots available for free)
Thursday Class (Daytime)
Time: Every Thursday 10 00a.m.~ 11 30a.m.(1h 30min)
Place: Shibata Shogai Gakushu Center Kensyushitsu 2
Address:5-8-47 Chuo-cho, Shibata City
(Parking lots available for free)
Thursday Class (Night)
Time: Every Thursday 7 00p.m.~ 8 30p.m.(1h 30min)
Place: Kenko chojyu acutive kouryu center Okunai hiroba
address: 3-13-3 Chuo-cho, Shibata City
About parking
Please park in the No.3 or No.4 parking lots.(Free)
The No.1 parking lot is also available.(1hour and 30 minites is free)But you have to pay 100 yen for every additional 30 minites.(parking fee is needed)
Please see PDF data「Precautions when using the parking lot」 for details.
For Elementary and Junior high school students
J School
- Kids do school homework and study Japanese with volunteers.
- Please see the calendar for the detailed schedule
Time: Every Saturday 1 30p.m.~ 3 00p.m.(1h 30min)
Place: Kenko chojyu acutive kouryu center Okunai hiroba or Koryu shitsu
address: 3-13-3 Chuo-cho, Shibata City
Fee 1000yen per month
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〒957-8686 新潟県新発田市中央町3丁目3番3号 ヨリネスしばた6階
電話番号:0254-28-9640 ファクス番号:0254-28-9670